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**Discover the Authentic Flavor of Mexico! Make Tepache at Home** 🍍🥤

Welcome to our blog! Here, we explore the traditional flavors of Mexico. Today, we invite you on a culinary journey with a classic and refreshing recipe: tepache! This fermented elixir is a popular beverage throughout Mexico, known for its unique and refreshing taste. 🇲🇽

**What is Tepache?** 🍍

Tepache is a traditional Mexican drink made from fermented pineapple peels with piloncillo (unrefined cane sugar) and spices. It's a refreshing and slightly acidic beverage, perfect for enjoying on hot days or as an accompaniment to Mexican meals.

**Ingredients:** 📝

- Peels from 1 pineapple

- 1 piloncillo or panela (250g)

- 2 liters of water

- 1 cinnamon stick

- 3 cloves

- Additional pineapple chunks (optional, for garnish)

**Instructions:** 📋

1. **Preparing the Pineapple Peels**: Begin by thoroughly washing the peels from the pineapple. Cut the peels into smaller pieces and place them in a large, clean container.

2. **Making the Piloncillo Syrup**: In a large pot, add the 2 liters of water and the piloncillo. Heat the mixture over medium-low heat, stirring occasionally, until the piloncillo is completely dissolved and you have a thick syrup. This will take approximately 10-15 minutes.

3. **Adding Spices**: Once the syrup is ready, add the cinnamon stick and cloves to the pot. Let the spices simmer with the syrup for a few minutes to release their aroma and flavor.

4. **Mixing Pineapple Peels with Syrup**: Pour the hot syrup over the pineapple peels in the large container. Stir well to ensure all the peels are coated with the syrup.

5. **Fermentation**: Cover the container with a clean cloth and secure it with a rubber band or string. Let the mixture ferment at room temperature for 2-3 days, or until you notice it starting to bubble and ferment slightly.

6. **Straining and Refrigeration**: After the fermentation period, strain the tepache to separate the pineapple peels and spices. Pour the strained liquid into clean, airtight bottles. Store it in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours before serving to ensure it's well chilled.

7. **Enjoy!**: Serve the tepache chilled in glasses with ice and garnish with additional pineapple chunks if desired. And now, enjoy this refreshing and delicious traditional Mexican beverage!

With this easy and delicious recipe, you can make your own tepache at home and savor its authentic flavor anytime. We hope you'll give this traditional and refreshing drink a try on your next culinary adventure! 🍍🌞


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